Friday, November 2, 2007

October 25, 2007

Just down from Mt Cube (2911'), half mile. SOBO mile:412.2. 13.7 miles hiked today. left glencliffe 10:45am.

This morning at 7:30 I collected several boxes from the Glencliffe, NH Post Office then walked back across the street to Hikers Welcome hostel. It was nippy but coffee was brewing and I smoked a cigarette as the sun hit my face. A perfect day for a walk in the woods.

This hostel is ran by Packrat and friends. Ffej was there this visit. We had tacos last night and visited at the dinner table. I drank four cokes and ate an additional three ice cream sandwiches. Hikers Welcome hostel is very relaxing and has a great setup for hikers. What a movie collection! I picked out five and watched Reno 911:The Movie, Scotland, Pa and Thirteen. As always the Reno Sheriffs department had me laughing hysterically. Thirteen was very disturbing and I'd say don't watch it if you can't take being uncomfortable.

The trail today was covered with leaves. I made quite a racket as my feet shuffled through the downed leaves. There was plenty of muddy trail and I thought of golashes or waders.

The trail is so much less brutal than the rest of New Hampshire's AT. It changed quickly. To walk over trail that is more dirt than rocks is easier on the body. There still were roots, rocks, bog planks and mud but just farther between.

Today I had climbs of 600', 700' and 2000' and downs of 700' and 900'. Not bad at all! 2mph all day with breaks.

For dinner I fried SPAM and added it to some rice dish and snacked on sharp cheedar cheese. For drink I had instant iced tea. I love fried SPaM... on the trail. Lots of gorp today because I have three bags of it.

Hoping for a big mile day tomorrow, 20's through Vermont and a safe journey into the unknown (area 51) with some cool aliens.

the movie will begin in five minutes.

Happy Trails,
Totally Different Subject

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