Hey it's TDS! At Neel's Gap, Georgia at the historic Wallasi-Yi to visit with Winton and staff to resupply before heading further north. Beautiful day atop Blood Mountain - only a slight breeze in contrast to what it usually is: cold. Weather's been unseasonably warm, but hey it's good to sweat.
Enjoying seeing the mountains out here again, trail's in great shape -- trail clubs have done a great job!
Email access is currently limited at best...expect technology to improve as I head further north along the trail. Looking forward to seeing all the great fixtures of the AT! I'll be posting photos once I get reliable and regular internet/email connection.
It's cool because now I know things like how far I can really go without needing water...how long it takes to get from point A to point B...all these little things that take time to figure out when you first set out. No more uneasy feelings of the unknown. I feel less inclined to sit around and take it easy. It's like a job, but I certainly enjoy it.
Take care,
P.S. Here's a cool topo of the above Google Maps image.
Enjoying seeing the mountains out here again, trail's in great shape -- trail clubs have done a great job!
Email access is currently limited at best...expect technology to improve as I head further north along the trail. Looking forward to seeing all the great fixtures of the AT! I'll be posting photos once I get reliable and regular internet/email connection.
It's cool because now I know things like how far I can really go without needing water...how long it takes to get from point A to point B...all these little things that take time to figure out when you first set out. No more uneasy feelings of the unknown. I feel less inclined to sit around and take it easy. It's like a job, but I certainly enjoy it.
Take care,
P.S. Here's a cool topo of the above Google Maps image.
Pack weight: 35 lbs
Food: ramen, instant mashed potatoes, gravy, peanut butter, mac & cheese, granola, powdered milk, energy bars, cheese, and water
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